How to get started with programming?
Understand the basics of programming web technologies, how to get started, what mindset to go in with, and what path to follow.
What even is a blockchain?
Understand the basics of blockchain and its various applications across different industries.
What is Web3?
Learn about the web3 and how it is different from web2.
What is Ethereum?
Learn about the history of Ethereum and what it offers.
Setting up a crypto wallet
In this lesson, you will learn about Crypto Wallets and how to download one.
Introduction to Solidity
In this lesson, you will learn what Solidity is and the basic syntax of the language.
Introduction to Remix
Learn about the basics of Remix IDE and how to use it to deploy a Smart Contract.
Build your first dApp on Ethereum
A simple tutorial on how to create and deploy a Solidity smart contract and interact with it from a frontend website.
Build your own cryptocurrency on Ethereum
A tutorial on how to create and deploy an ERC-20 Token to build your own cryptocurrency on Ethereum
Build your own basic NFT contract on Ethereum
In this tutorial we use Hardhat and OpenZeppelin Contracts to build an NFT contract on Ethereum.
What is Gas, and why is it needed?
Learn about the gas, how is it calculated, why it exists, and how to pay the minimum gas fees.
Intro to React and Next.js
Learn about the basics of React, NextJS, backend, routing and much more.
What is mining, and why is it done?
Learn about mining and how to become a miner.
How does Proof of Work work?
In this lesson we go over the Proof of Work consensus algorithm used by Bitcoin and previously also used by Ethereum to understand how it works.
Demystifying the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
Let's dig into the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and understand how it works.
Digging deeper into Solidity's syntax
A step up from An Introduction to Solidity - to learn about mappings, enums, structs, and more!
Providers, Signers, ABIs, and Token Approval Flow
Understand the four things that keep showing up repeatedly - providers, signers, ABIs, and Token Approval Flow
Build an NFT collection with a whitelist using Foundry and Solidity
In this lesson, we we build an NFT collection that uses a whitelist that lets your early supporters get guaranteed access to the NFT collection while everyone else must pay to mint.
How does Proof of Stake work?
In this lesson we go over the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm used by Ethereum and many other blockchains and explore how it actually works.
What is a Layer 2 blockchain?
Understand the different types of Layer 2 blockchains that exist and their pros and cons
A deep dive into Automated Market Maker Decentralized Exchanges (Uniswap v1)
In this lesson, we take a deep dive into understanding how AMM's like Uniswap work - and really get into the mathematics of building your own DEX.
Build an NFT-powered fully on-chain DAO to invest in NFT collections as a group
In this lesson we build a fully on-chain NFT-powered DAO where members can come together to invest in other NFT collections as a collective and vote on buying/selling NFTs from their treasury.
Build your own decentralized exchange like Uniswap v1
In this lesson, we build our own decentralized exchange from scratch that works similar to Uniswap v1.
Introduction to IPFS: The InterPlanetary File System
In this lesson, we take a dive into IPFS and understand what makes it so special and why you should care about it.
Testing smart contracts on a local blockchain node using Foundry
Learn how to test your smart contracts locally (100x faster than testnets)
Introduction to AI
Explore the basics of AI and learn the difference between terms like ML, DL, Neural Networks etc.
What is ENS and how to integrate into your DApp
Learn about what is Ethereum Name Service(ENS) and how to integrate ENS(.eth) domains into your DApp
Setting up FLOW Developer Environment Locally
Before we dig any deeper into Cadence and start building more complex dApps, we're gonna set up a developer environment locally so we can write code, deploy contracts, and interact with our dApps without using the Playground.
Build your own NFT collection with metadata stored on IPFS
Learn how to build your own NFT collection and store metadata on IPFS.
Ship your own name service on FLOW
In this level, we will be building OUR OWN name service on Flow, completely from scratch!
Introduction to Flow
In this lesson, we would understand the basics of how Flow blockchain works
Intro to Large Language Models (LLMs)
An introduction to LLMs and an explanation to how Transformers work.
Secure on-chain randomness using Chainlink VRFs
Learn about Chainlink VRF and how to use it to build on-chain game using it.
How to create Merkle Trees for airdrops
Let's learn about merkle trees and how they can be used to create airdrops in a gas-efficient way.
User-owned data profiles using Ceramic Network
Learn about building sovereign user-owned data profiles using Ceramic Network.
How Ethereum nodes store data and executes smart contracts
Let's learn about how Ethereum nodes store data and how smart contracts run in EVM.
Understanding the concepts behind Flow
Further dive into basics of Flow
Borrow millions without collateral from Aave using Flash Loans
Let's learn how to borrow a loan worth millions in crypto without paying a single cent using Aave Flash Loans.
Indexing data using The Graph's Indexer
Learn what are The Graph's Indexer and how to use it to index the lottery game data.
Access private data in smart contracts
Let's learn about how to read the private data in smart contracts
Indexing ERC20 Transfer Transactions with Squid SDK
In this lesson we go over how to index ERC20 transfers with Squid SDK
Cadence - How to build dApps on Flow
In this level, we will learn about Cadence, the smart contracts programming language created and used by Flow.
The bug which cost Ethereum $60 million dollars: Re-entrancy
Let's learn about the Re-Entrancy attack that cost $60 million
Run code from other contracts inside your own using delegatecall
Let's learn about delegatecall attacks, where one contract can change data in another contract.
Cadence - Build a task tracker
In this level, we will dig a bit deeper into Cadence, and learn about Arrays, Resources, and Account Storage.
3 Popular Exploits on Ethereum that cannot happen on Flow
In this lesson, learn about how Flow and Cadence's resource-oriented programming model can prevent you from making mistakes that have wreaked havoc on Ethereum in the past.
Optimize gas in your Solidity code
Let's learn how to optimize smart contracts to build the cheapest transactions possible.
Next-gen user onboarding with Account Linking on Flow
In this lesson, we'll look at how Account Linking on Flow can make for a seamless user onboarding process that doesn't feel like Web3 today.
General Purpose NFT Storefront on Flow
We will look into Flow's NFT Storefront Smart Contracts, and understand how they are different from marketplaces such as OpenSea or LooksRare on Ethereum
Executing a denial of service on a smart contract
Let's learn about how to perform a DoS attack on the smart contract to make it inaccessible.
NEVER use tx.origin again
Let's learn about tx.origin and why not to use to determine the sender of a transaction.
Generating random numbers on-chain
Let's learn about how to use oracles to generate random numbers on-chain
Identifying genuine-looking contracts which are actually malicious
Let's learn how to detect legit-looking contracts which are malicious in nature.
Building an AI chatbot
In this lesson, we'll build out a simple AI chatbot using OpenAI's API
Using metatransaction to pay for your users' gas
Let's learn about meta transactions and how to pay for someone else's transactions gas fees.
Introduction to Automatic Speech Recognition
Explore the basics of Automatic Speech Recognition and find out how it works
Build your own MEV searcher using Flashbots
Let's learn about how to create and use Flashbots
Account Abstraction using Biconomy: Social Logins and Paymasters
This is Part 3 in a 4 part series about Account Abstraction. Learn about doing transactions using ERC20 and social logins
Introduction to Account Abstraction
This lesson is Part 1 of a four part series of diving deep into Account Abstraction on Ethereum through ERC-4337.
Transcription with Whisper
Build a bot that can get you transcription of mp3 and wav files using Whisper by OpenAI
Introduction to Langchain
In this lesson, let's learn about Langchain - the hottest new framework in town used to extend, manage, and combine the capabilities of AI models together.
Building smart contracts that can be upgraded over time
Learn how to build smart contracts that can be upgraded over time.
Build an AI Chatbot to chat with any PDF
In this lesson, we are going to be building a chatbot that you can use to talk to any PDF (or even multiple PDFs). You, the user, can upload any PDFs you like on the app we will build, and the AI will learn the contents of that PDF file, allowing you to ask it questions about that file.
Introduction to MEV and Flashbots
Learn how miners make the blockchain play in their favor through slight adjustments.
Account Abstraction on Ethereum: ERC-4337 Breakdown
This lesson is Part 2 of a 4 part series on Account Abstraction. Here we will talk about how Ethereum does account abstraction using ERC-4337.
$60M hack on Curve Finance: Technical breakdown and reproducing the hack
In this lesson we understand the Curve Finance hack that took place on July 30th, 2023 and caused $40M in losses. We also reproduce the hack ourselves by forking off mainnet.
Introduction to Celo
A gentle introduction to the Celo blockchain
Introduction to Hardhat
This lesson is a gentle introduction to Hardhat and best practices to use while setting up a new project using it.
Proto-Danksharding: Scaling Ethereum using Blobs
Ethereum is poised to roll out EIP-4844 - proto-danksharding - in the upcoming network upgrade. In this lesson, let's take a look at what that is, and how it's going to help scale Ethereum
Build an entire AA wallet FROM SCRATCH!
This is Part 4 of a 4 part series about Account Abstraction. In this lesson, you will learn how to create your own account abstracted wallet, completely from scratch! We will use Foundry, Next.js, Typescript, Prisma, StackUp, and more!
Docker Essentials
Hello, Im Frenzoid, and in this journey you'll learn what is Docker, what is used for, and how it works in depth, with theory and practical examples. We will also discusses the benefits of Docker and why it's widely adopted in the industry. Hopefully, this lesson will teach you something refreshing and new along the way :)
Celo's Identity System
A deep dive into how Celo handles mobile-first identity
AI Generated Vocals: There is an impostor among us
Learn how AI generated vocals work and the risks associated with them.
Creating Magic from (almost) nothing
In this lesson, we're going to be creating a small webpage where we can input text prompts and generate images based on them
Encoder-Decoder Network: The Magic Box
Learn what an encoder-decoder network is and how it works
Integrating SPACE ID into your dApp to register Web3 Domains
Learn how to use the SPACE ID SDK to integrate Web3 Domain Registration in your application!
Image Segmentation: Cattos, Doggos, and More
This lesson talks about image segmentation and its use cases
Text2Img: What you think is what you get
Products like DALLΒ·E 2 and Midjourney have taken the world by storm. In this lesson, we'll explore how image generation works.
Celo's Proof of Stake Consensus
In this lesson we learn about the Byzantine Generals' problem, and go over Celo's Proof of Stake consensus algorithm
Diving Deep Into Ethereum's Storage
Having already learnt about World State, Account State, Stack and Heap Memory along with Account Storage and Execution model, now let's figure out how dynamic size variables and mappings are stored.
Build a full-stack NFT marketplace like OpenSea from scratch using Next.js, Hardhat, RainbowKit, and Celo
In this lesson, we build a full-stack NFT marketplace, kind of a simplified OpenSea, from scratch. We use Next.js for the website, Hardhat for Ethereum development, and Celo as our deployment chain.
You can be Drake? Creating a voice that isnβt real
In this lesson, we'll be using ElevenLabs' API to generate speech by an artificial voice, using our own input.
Building custom accounts on zkSync Era and understanding paymasters
This lesson will teach you how you can create custom accounts zkSync Era. We'll also explore the concept of paymasters.
Build an AI Chatbot on ComposeDB and the Ceramic Network
Learn the ins and outs of building on ComposeDB, a graph database built on the Ceramic Network, all in the context of an AI-powered chatbot application.
AIDentifier: Identify objects inside images using Facebook's DETR Model
In this lesson, we're gonna be using DETR (End-to-End Object Detection) model by Facebook
Building a custom paymaster on zkSync Era
In this lesson, you'll learn how to build your own paymaster on zkSync Era
Native Account Abstraction (AA) with zkSync Era
In this lesson, we'll learn about account abstraction on zkSync Era.
Native Account Abstraction (AA) Implementation with zkSync Era
In this lesson we'll understand the moving parts of what makes a wallet with zkSync. We will produce an example of account abstraction implementation with a simple wallet
Send an L2 to L1 message from zkSync Era
In this lesson, you'll learn how you can send "messages" from zkSync Era to Ethereum
Understanding ERC-6551: Token Bound Accounts
In this lesson, we deep dive into how ERC-6551 works and what Token Bound Accounts are - an exciting new revelation using Account Abstraction!
Introduction to indexing Uniswap data with Chainstack Subgraphs
This lesson provides a hands-on tutorial on using subgraphs to efficiently index and query data from the UniswapV3Factory contract on the Ethereum-based Uniswap platform using Chainstack Subgraphs.
Uniswap v4 Hooks: Create a fully on-chain "take-profit" orders hook on Uniswap v4
In this lesson, we take a look at Uniswap v4 and how hooks allow us to design some amazing DEX derivatives by extending the capabilities of a pool.
Send an L1 to L2 transaction on zkSync Era
In this lesson, you'll learn how you can allow the sender to request transactions on Ethereum L1 and pass data to zkSync Era L2
Introduction to Stacks
Learn what a Layer 2 network is, how Stacks builds a programmable Layer 2 on Bitcoin, what Proof of Transfer is and how it works.
Indexing ERC-20 token balance using Chainstack Subgraphs
This guide provides a step-by-step tutorial on how to use subgraphs to index balances of ERC20 tokens. It covers key concepts such as setting up a subgraph project, defining a data schema, modifying the manifest file, generating code, creating mappings, handling transfer events, building and deploying the subgraph, and finally querying the data.
Introduction to Bitcoin
Learn some quick history about Bitcoin, how it came to be, how it works, and some limitations of Bitcoin.
Querying the blockchain data using Subgraph
Learn how blockchain querying is one of the biggest issue in web3 and how subgraphs solves the problem in the simplest way.
Introduction to Axelar
Axelar is a cross-chain communication network to allow building for a multichain future. In this lesson, we go over what Axelar is and the problems it is solving.
Introduction to Fuel and FuelVM
Explore monolithic vs modular architectures, optimistic rollups, parallel transaction execution, the Fuel Virtual Machine, and much more!
The case for Bitcoin DeFi
Understand the bull case for why you should care about DeFi on Bitcoin - and how big the opportunity really is. Also learn about sBTC!
Introduction to the Subsquid Network
In this lesson we go over how you can use the Subsquid network, a decentralized data lake, to fetch historical blockchain data.
Build your first dApp on Fuel
In this lesson we'll build our first application on Fuel! We'll write the smart contracts and use the Fuel TypeScript SDK to connect it to our frontend.
Sway Lang and the Fuel Toolchain
In this lesson we learn about DSLs, Sway, set up our local developer environment, learn about Sway's data types, conditionals, loops, and other syntax, and also how to call external contracts.
Clarity: The programming language for Stacks
An introduction to Clarity - the programming language for Stacks. Learn about functional programming, the basic data types, how to write functions, and more using Clarity.
UTXOs, Access Lists, and Parallelization
Learn about UTXOs, how they work in Bitcoin and how they work on Fuel, and how Fuel uses the UTXO-based strict access lists to enable parallel transaction execution.
SIP-010 Fungible Tokens & Traits
Learn how fungible tokens on Stacks work, what the SIP-010 standard is, what traits are and how they are implemented in Clarity, and how sBTC works.
Project: Build a token streaming protocol
Build your own token streaming DeFi protocol on Stacks using Clarity - inspired by Superfluid. Set up a Clarinet dev environment, build and test your contract, and deploy it to the Stacks Testnet!
OP Stack and the Superchain Thesis
Introduction to Optimism and the OP Stack which led to Base, Zora, Worldcoin, and more joining the Superchain
How to index ERC-20 transfers on Celo up to 1000x faster than RPC using Envioβ‘
In this tutorial, weβll explore how to use Envioβs modern indexing framework to index and monitor ERC-20 token transfers on the Celo Network, providing real-time insights into metrics such as the largest Celo Dollar (c.USD) transfers on Celo. The guide uses Envioβs No-code Quickstart, which is the quickest way to get going and the likely starting point for most developers developing a custom GraphQL for their application or use case.
How To Deploy A Web Application On Telegram Using BNB Chain
We will start by introducing the different components needed to start a Telegram web app. Then, we will discuss how to deploy the web app on Telegram. Finally, we will deploy a mini-app and create a Telegram game that can be shared with others.
Indexing Optimism Bridge deposits using Envio's HyperIndex
In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of indexing the Optimism Standard Bridge contracts on Optimism and Ethereum Mainnet in less than 5 minutes using Envioβs indexing framework, called HyperIndex.Β
Indexing Greeter contract on Polygon or Linea using Envio
This tutorial will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to index a simple Greeter smart contract, and instantaneously query your greeting message on Polygon and Linea using Envio.
Indexing ERC-20 USDC Token Transfers on Base using Envio's HyperIndex
Indexing ERC-20 token transfers on the Base network using Envioβs indexing framework and no-code contract import feature.
How to Index Data on the Fuel Network Using Envio
In this guide, we explore how Envio empowers developers and data analysts to index and leverage data on the Fuel Network. Envio enables the syncing of large data sets within seconds, optimizing operations, enhancing the developer experience, and driving informed decision-making. It equips developers with efficient tooling that unlocks the full potential of both on-chain and off-chain data on the Fuel Network.
Indexing Optimism Bridge deposits with HyperIndex #1 draft
In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of indexing the Optimism Standard Bridge contracts on Optimism and Ethereum Mainnet in less than 5 minutes using Envioβs indexing framework, called HyperIndex.
Building PvP onchain Tic Tac Toe
Utilize Stacks' fast block times with the Nakamoto upgrade to build an onchain turn-based Tic Tac Toe game with STX betting involved!
Building a mini block explorer
Build a mini block explorer using stacks.js and the Hiro APIs to understand how to query onchain data offchain
Build your own decentralized exchange
Use Clarity to build your own decentralized exchange from scratch on Stacks, and then use stacks.js to build a Next.js frontend to enable easy swapping and liquidity provisioning for users